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[Case Study] Cookieless Identity Solutions Drive Success for Marketer & Publisher

What’s a company to do when it wants to reach new customers in a highly regulated industry? Rush Street Interactive (RSI), an online gaming and sports entertainment company, felt threatened by the loss of third-party cookies, as the brand was losing its ability to use essential tools like audience targeting and data enrichment. RSI partnered with the Advance Local team and Lotame to extend reach in effective, privacy-safe ways.

The Challenge

RSI hoped to layer on its preferred audience target and extend reach effectively while honoring user privacy. It wanted to test and validate the efficacy of an identity solution using a supply-side platform (SSP)-direct programmatic setup.

RSI was already working with Lotame, using our data-enriched audiences for privacy-compliant, custom casino audiences with Lotame Data Exchange. When RSI came to us for more guidance, we connected them with Advance Local, a publisher client. Advance Local tests addressability and data connectivity in cookieless versus cookie environments. The connection allowed the publisher to test how to drive performance across all inventory, including authenticated, cookieless and cookie-enabled.

The Solution

With the test, RSI wanted to reach Lotame Data Exchange Casino Interest and Intent, plus Statewide segments. The data-enriched audiences would run campaigns simultaneously with an SSP-direct integration through Open Exchange and private marketplace. RSI focused on Advance Local’s reach in Michigan to establish a new market for its products and services.

The test included three line items:

  • Open Exchange: This included audience plus region plus Advance Local’s MLive whitelisted inventory.
  • Traditional Private Marketplace: PubMatic served as the SSP. Lotame audience plus region plus MLive inventory was applied. 
  • Panorama ID™ Private Marketplace: PubMatic was the SSP for the identity-enabled private marketplace, including Lotame audience plus region plus MLive inventory.

Lotame partnered with Advance Local’s SSP PubMatic for data connectivity. Advance Local used Lotame data to create audiences, which it then pushed to its SSP to create the Deal ID. Targeting logic also occurred within the SSP. 

Xandr and Adelphic completed delivery, but any demand-side platform (DSP) could have done the job. One major benefit of Panorama ID™ is that it allows for the direct unlocking of addressability through any DSP when a brand works with a publisher and its SSP.

The Results

The private marketplace test with Panorama ID™ exceeded both Advance Local’s and RSI’s expectations:

  • Delivery by line item: The ID test performed as well as Open Exchange and delivered more premium inventory. The Panorama ID™ test opened up double the previously unaddressable audiences in Firefox and Safari compared to Open Exchange. The traditional private marketplace test was restricted to third-party cookie-enabled inventory, so it had a much lower delivery. 
  • Average cost-per-thousand (CPM) by line item: Panorama ID™ allowed Advance to monetize higher-value inventory in unaddressable spaces, leading to an increase in lift for overall yield. Advance delivered a cost-efficient way for RSI to target its premium inventory.
  • Average click-through rate by line item: RSI primarily focused on engagement since Michigan was a new market. Panorama ID™ and Open Exchange had a similar impression share, but due to Panorama’s CPM efficiency, the cost per click was 20% lower without a noticeable difference in scale.

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