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Strategy & Education

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Strategy & Education
March 12, 2018

Benefits of Data Portability for Advertisers

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Strategy & Education
February 21, 2018

Tapping the Full Potential of Mobile Advertising With a Personal Touch

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Strategy & Education
February 5, 2018

Did You Know: Selling Your Data Through the Lotame Data Exchange

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Strategy & Education
January 30, 2018

How to Combine Online and Offline Data

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Strategy & Education
January 23, 2018

How Brands Can Use Data to Improve Customer Relationships

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Strategy & Education
January 9, 2018

Did You Know: Lotame Can Store Data Up To 13 Months

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Strategy & Education
December 17, 2017

What an Advertiser Needs In a Data Management Platform

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Strategy & Education
December 12, 2017

How Real-Time Data Can Change Your Marketing Strategy

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Strategy & Education
December 11, 2017

Putting an End to Targeting Bots: What Is Click Fraud & How to Prevent It

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Strategy & Education
December 8, 2017

DMP Glossary

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Strategy & Education
November 8, 2017

Back to Basics: What is Header Bidding?

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Strategy & Education
October 23, 2017

Destination DMP: Travel & Hospitality

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